We are becoming very busy in the music department these days! The Holiday Concert season is looming, and all of the logistics surrounding the concerts, as well as keeping the day-to-day music program going, are certainly keeping this music teacher hopping!
We're Growing!
I haven't posted since my initial post back in September, but I'm hoping you've noticed how this blog has grown over the past few months! I am continuing to add information as necessary, and I hope you've become comfortable navigating around the site to find the information you're looking for. As often as I can, I am trying to include electronic copies here on the site of most of the paper notices I send home. There is now a School Newsletter tab where you can find the music portions of the most recent school newsletters. NDS chorus members can click on the "NDS Chorus Practice Guide" tab to find recordings of our concert songs to practice with at home as the concert approaches. I've also included a "Music Links" tab, where you will find a plethora of links to musical games and activities.
'Tis the Season!
Regarding concert season, you should be able to find all the answers to any questions you may have somewhere on the site. Good places to look are at the Concert tabs themselves (make sure you click on the right school!); the School Newsletter tab, where I've posted specific concert dress and arrival details; and the Band tab, where you can find a copy of the Concert Exchange Program notices.
I look forward to seeing all of you in attendance at our concerts next month! We're very much looking forward to sharing all of our hard work with you.
Kristin Johnson
NDS/TCS Music Teacher
Welcome to my NDS/TCS Music Informational Blog! My hope is to have helpful information posted here so that it's right at your fingertips whenever you need it. Please feel free to email me if you're looking for a piece of information that isn't here.
- Home
- NDS Concerts
- TCS Concerts
- School Newsletters
- Band
- Instrumental Lessons
- Instrument Rentals/Supplies/Repairs
- Classroom Music "Stuff"
- Ukulele
- Chorus
- Chorus Practice Guide
- Recorder Practice Guide
- Community Info & Links
- Especially For Parents
- Contact Mrs. Johnson
- Music Links
- Blizzard Bag
- Online Learning 2020