Monday, December 9, 2013

New Durham 4-6 Concert POSTPONED TO WED. 12/11

All afternoon/evening activities are canceled throughout the district this evening (12/9), which means that WE WILL NOT HAVE THE NDS 4-6 CONCERT tonight.
THE NDS 4-6 CONCERT HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11 AT 6:30pm.  All other details about the concert will remain the same.  Thank you for your flexibility, and see you Wednesday!
Mrs. Johnson  :)
P.S. If you are a Tuftonboro Band parent and your child was supposed to participate in the Concert Exchange program but CANNOT attend now that the date has changed, please email me at  Thanks!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Note About Weather...

I, like everyone else, am watching the weather carefully these next 2 weeks.  Weather is always a variable when it comes to the winter concert season.  To quote the K-3 musical this season, "that's just the way that it is!"  Long ago I gave up worrying/fretting over weather forcing a postponement of a concert.  We can't control the weather, so we just have to deal with what it hands us.  I have a whole lot more on my plate that I CAN control, so I will worry about THOSE things and just let the weather do its thing!

IF the weather cancels tomorrow evening's (12/9) NDS 4-6 Holiday Concert, please stay tuned to this page as well as any AlertNow calls from Ms. Tremblay and paper notices sent home with your child once we confirm plans for a reschedule date.  I can think of very few scenarios that would cause us to simply cancel a performance altogether with no makeup date, so you can rest assured that we WILL find a time to make it up, even if we have to put the show on in January!  And if that happens, I know you will all still come to hear your children perform and we'll all still be excited to perform for you, regardless of what the calendar says!  And all will be well.  :)

So with that said:
- Listen to and watch the weather,
- Be prepared to have a concert on the scheduled date until we are told otherwise, and
- If we're told otherwise and we have to postpone, take a deep breath and stay tuned for announcements regarding a make-up date.

See you all soon!
Mrs. Johnson   :)