Saturday, September 19, 2015

Parent Input Needed!

Please take my parent survey about the potential opportunity of our students performing at a Manchester Monarchs or NH Fisher Cats game!  Thank you!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year!

As the signs in my hallways say, "Welcome 'Bach' to school!"  I hope everyone had a fantastic summer.  I certainly did!  We traveled more this summer than we have since before Ethan was born (he's almost 4.5!), and boy did it feel great!  I think I was born to travel.  The biggest highlight was probably our family reunion in Virginia back in July.  I have a small, but far-flung family, and I hadn't seen my cousins in 5-10 years!  It was amazing to reconnect and enjoy four generations being together again; we now have lots of memories to treasure from our time together.  I also taught private lessons through the month of July, and we've really enjoyed some good time on the lake in the last month or so.  I've included a few of my favorite pictures from this summer at the end of this post.

Remember that this blog is primarily a point of reference for you, my NDS and TCS students and parents.  With as much time as we all spend online these days, I figured it would be helpful to have a place online where you could check for important information at whatever time is convenient for you!  I am currently working on updating much of this blog with current information, and will continue to do so as often as possible throughout the year.

Click on the tabs above to navigate to the information you are looking for.  If you think of a question that would be helpful to have answered on this page, or if there's information you are looking for that is not already posted here, please feel free to email me at or  I check this email multiple times a day during the school year, and because I'm in two buildings during the week, it's often the easiest way to reach me!

Looking forward to another great, music-filled year!

Kristin Johnson
NDS/TCS Music Teacher

Captain Ethan on Lake Champlain

A starfish!  Wells, Maine

Fun on the airplane to Virginia!

Mrs. Johnson's family reunion, Virginia

Family love!

While in Virginia, we visited Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's estate.  I learned a lot that day!

Cabot Cheese Store Annex, Vermont

Top of the Prudential building, Boston