Welcome "Bach" to school, everyone! I hope everyone had a fantastic summer. My family had a wonderful, fun summer that seemed to have just the right balance of busy travel and quiet time at home. Our travels brought us to Boston for a Broadway show, the mountains of North Carolina for a week, two weddings, a long weekend spent at Attitash and Story Land, and cabin camping with family at our favorite spot. We also enjoyed some nice family time by/on/in the lake and at home. Below are some of my favorite memories from this summer. 😍😃 As it always does, the summer went by way too quickly, but I do always look forward to getting back to the business of making music together!
I hope everyone's school year has gotten off to a great start. Remember that this blog is primarily a point of reference for you, my NDS and TCS students and parents. With as much time as we all spend online these days, I figured it would be helpful to have a place online where you could check for important information at whatever time is convenient for you! This site is ready-to-go with updated information to start this year, and I will continue to update it as often as possible throughout the year.
Click on the tabs above to navigate to the information you are looking for. If you think of a question that would be helpful to have answered on this page, or if there's information you are looking for that is not already posted here, please feel free to email me at
kjohnson@sau49.org. I check this email multiple times a day during the school year, and because I'm in two buildings during the week, it's often the easiest way to reach me!
Looking forward to another great, music-filled year!
Kristin Johnson
NDS/TCS Music Teacher
Happy 4th of July! |
A Christmas gift fulfilled - Aladdin on Broadway (in Boston) with Mom and Dad |
Ready for his first Broadway show! (And Mom's also excited to see Aladdin!) |
Paradise Lodge in Saluda, NC - the house our extended family rented for the week in July for our 4-generation, 22-strong family reunion. Amazing! |
Another view of Paradise Lodge - lives up to its name! |
Family portrait in Saluda, NC |
My Grandmother (91 years young) with all 8 of her great-grandchildren. They made her a hand print portrait when they were all together for the week. <3 |
"GG" and Ella, her youngest great-grandchild. Who's more smitten? |
My cousin teaching Ethan how to fish in NC. Family time is the best time! |
Ella is queen of the skies! "I've got this flying-thing down, Mom!" On our way home from North Carolina. |
All "dolled-up" for a friend's wedding at the beginning of August. |
We love Story Land! |
On my birthday, we took a drive through Crawford Notch, and though it was cloudy, it was still a decent view of the Mt. Washington Hotel and the base of Mt. Washington. |
Ethan & Ella at The Mount Washington Hotel in Crawford Notch |
Snuggles and lunch out to eat on my birthday |
Cabin camping with family at Cold Springs Camp Resort |
We love camping! |
Family kayaking trip on Crescent Lake and Lake Wentworth. |
I had the cutest passenger in my kayak! |